Top Horror Films of 2018!

The end is nigh! With the end of 2018 and the first year of Movie Night Massacre, I like to look at all the films that I enjoyed in the world of horror. For anyone who has been following this blog since it began as a new years resolution of sorts, you may remember that my first ever post was my top films of 2017!

9. The Nun


Now, I am very aware that a lot of people did not enjoy this film, and while I am completely aware of the flaws of the film, it didn’t stop me enjoying it as a fun, creepy if somewhat generic entry in ‘The Conjuring’ universe. The film looks gorgeously shot, full of enjoyable creepy moments and a moody, unsettling atmosphere. While the film as a whole was nothing special (hence why it is at the lowest point of this list) I still had a lot of fun with it, and would happily watch it again. You can check out my full review here!

8. The Secret of Marrowbone


I was very excited to check out this film as it starred some of my favourite up and coming actors in Anya Taylor-Joy, Mia Goth and Charlie Heaton. While it didn’t fully live up to my expectations, with Heaton’s performance feeling somewhat lacking and the pacing feeling a little messy, I still really enjoyed this film, again, really nice cinematography, an immense air of mystery and a really strong final act.
A haunting family drama, haunting being meant in this most literal of senses. You can check out my full review here!

7. Ghost Stories


When I first reviewed ‘Ghost Stories’, I was definitely not it’s biggest fan, after countless reviews praising every aspect, I went in expecting more than I got. But after having a while (8 months to be exact) to think about it and process the character of the film, the clever story telling devises and the truly great paranormal sequences as well as some highly enjoyable performances, I have changed my mind, it is a really strong film, however, I still feel somewhat disappointed with the ending as I feel it takes away a great deal from the rest of the film. However, the vast majority of the film is still down right scary and unnerving!

6. Insidious: The Last Key


‘Insidious: The Last Key’ is the latest instalment in the ‘Insidious’ franchise, one of my absolute favourite modern horror franchises and I was very happy with this addition to the story of the further and those entangled within it’s grip. The creature design as usual is original and unsettling, the characters are well fleshed out for the most part thanks to Leigh Whannel’s great writing and film is highly enjoyable, frightening and brimming with character from start to finish. You can check out my full review here!

5. Annihilation


Alex Gartland is the sci-fi mastermind that brought us the mind shattering ‘Ex-Machina’, and while ‘Annihilation’ is not as mind melting, it is much more intense, expansive and action packed. Clear inspiration being drawn from ‘Aliens’ as we follow a team throw an other worldly landscape (this time set on a slowly terraforming Earth) how ever, the threat is not as straight forward as a vicious alien creature despite what my choice of image may suggest. If you love sci-fi horror then I would definitely recommend checking out this gem! You can check out my full review here!

4. The House That Jack Built


My latest review was for ‘The House That Jack Built’, a dark, twisted tail full of violence, abuse and gallows humour. I won’t repeat myself too much, as the review is still fresh.
The artistry on display in ‘The House That Jack Built’ is incredible, as writer and director Lars Von Trier displays a brutal and surreal film that also stylistically manages to feel all too real in particular scenes. This film is not for everyone, but if like myself you enjoy slow burn horror with an artistic flair then I would highly recommend checking this film out!

3. A Quiet Place


These next three films is where I have a great difficulty in putting one above the other, because I absolutely adored them all, but there can be only one! So in third place is John Krasinski’s ‘A Quiet Place’, a film that uses silence to build one of the most intense and suspense filled film’s I have ever seen. The sense of family is extended to audience in way that allows us to feel the loss, fear and dread of out protagonists in such a way, that each action and every event that takes places matters to us. This is a big factor for a strong horror film in my eyes because if we as the audience don’t care what happens to the characters, then what is there to be scared of? ‘A Quiet Place’ is absolutely brilliant and utterly unnerving! You can check out my full review here!

2. Halloween


‘Halloween’ was so, so nearly first as it has everything I could have wanted it to. A brilliant score by John Carpenter himself (that I have had on loop on Spotify ever since it was released), brutal kills, a great story, great scares and unexpected heartfelt touch that made this film hit in a sentimental way that only makes you love it more. Aside from one moment in the film that leaves you questioning what the writer’s were thinking as a result of how out of nowhere it is, this film is outstanding. The perfect sequel to John Carpenter’s original. You can check out my full review here!

1. Hereditary


‘Halloween’ and ‘A Quiet Place’ were the only two horror films this year that met my expectations. ‘Hereditary’ is the only one that exceeded them. The only film I left feeling an emotional tole after witnessing it. I felt unsettled, uncomfortable, scared and shocked. I always love a film that can make me feel this wide range of fear filled emotions. The several layers present in this film culminate to create an immeasurable sense of discomfort and fear. The dramatic tension present in the family, the mental health related undertones of the story and the supernatural elements all come together to make one of my now all time favourite films. One last aspect I truly love about the film is the way in which it feels as though I have barely scratched the surface of the hidden details present in this film and the way in which it feels like there is something new to be found with each watch. ‘Hereditary’ is a horrifying and utterly unnerving film, filled with immediate shocks as well as slow burn tension and subtle background details that are perhaps even scarier than what is clearly presented to us! You can check out my full review here!

Favourite Non-Horror Film of 2018: The Shape of Water


I couldn’t not give at least a slight mention to ‘The Shape of Water’ as it is my overall favourite film of the year. I love every single scene and every moment. I saw it several times in the cinema and bought it immediately when it was released and watched it countless times since. This movie is the sole reason I haven’t watched more movies this year, as I have just opted to put it on instead. You can check out my full review here!

If you have made it this far, thank you so much for reading my top horror films of 2018! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did enjoyed writing it. I’ll be back in the new year with my most anticipated films of 2019 list! What did you think of the movies I listed? Let me know in the comments or on the comments of what ever social media you seen my post this review on! In The meantime, stay creepy!

The Secret of Marrowbone – Review

I have been looking forward to seeing this film since the first trailer dropped as it stars some of my favourite upcoming actors in Anya Taylor-Joy, Charlie Heaton and Mia Goth.
Finally with it being in released in the UK, I have had the chance to see it and talk about it with you all!

‘The Secret of Marrowbone’ focuses on the titular Marrowbone family who appear to be constantly facing hard times, both in the past and present. Four siblings must deal with the death of their mother, whilst also keeping their bereavement a secret from the rest of the town they live until the eldest sibling is 21 and old enough to be the family’s legal guardian, preventing them from being separated. Amongst all of the tragedy and family focused drama, dark and supernatural events begin to take place within the Marrowbone household.


As I said above, I had high expectations when it came to members of the cast, and they definitely delivered! Anya Taylor-Joy (The Witch, Split) may not have been as central a character as she has been in her previous roles but it was brilliant and greatly performed none the less. Continuing her streak of portraying a wide range of emotions, from joy and happiness in the early scenes of the film, to being in feeling pure terror while still showing courage and bravery in the face of said terror. Charlie Heaton (Stranger Things) provides a very different performance from what we are used to, this time being boldly brave and sometime arrogant all with the intention of keeping those closest to him safe. Heaton does a great job in this portrayal but at times does feel somewhat one dimensional, as he acts the same through out most of the film, but this feels more out of what the script called for than his performance.

Mia Goth has been on my radar for a while now with a stand out performance in ‘A Cure for Wellness’ she brings her haunted charm to ‘The Secret of Marrowbone’ with what I feel is her best performance to date! In ‘A Cure for Wellness’ what stood out to me was how well Goth was able to create a strong mood that suggest that something was just sort of… off. She does so well at depicting a sense of past trauma that is still leaving a lasting impression upon her character and this is even more prevalent in ‘The Secret of Marrowbone’. As well as this, Goth has also widened her range (or has always had it, and this was her chance to show it) as acts loving and warm, happy and joyful as well as intense and panicked. A truly stand out role. Finally, George MacKay (11.22.63) is an actor that I had seen very little of and as a result, had no expectations for – not negative expectations, but had no thoughts on what to expect. I have to say he did a great job in this film, it was really nice to see what he could bring to the table. There wasn’t too much from him that stood out to me like his previously mentioned cast mates, how ever that may just be a result of not knowing much about his skill and range prior to this performance.


Sergio G. Sánchez (The Orphanage) is the director and writer on this film and the consistency in vision is very clear to see. The vibe of ‘ The Secret of Marrowbone’ will be familiar to anyone who has seen ‘The Orphanage’ as, aside from this film’s happier moments, the sense of macabre and loss through out this film harkens back to that of the former. The direction on a whole is favourable but there isn’t too much that stands out as being truly great from that perspective. The writing on the other hand has a lot more going for it, particularly the supernatural element of the film leaves the audience wanting just a little bit more, rather than giving all away at once. As well as this, Sánchez’s writing boast an intensely thrilling third act. His work director of photography Xavi Giménez does allow the sombre tone of the film to be emphasised through a bleak colour-scape, mirroring mood of loss, desperation and emotional fatigue present through out the film.


But, is ‘The Secret of Marrowbone’ scary? It is deeply chilling and drenched in a feeling of constant unease and paranoia as our protagonists rarely feel as though they are in a situation in which they can let their guard down, whether it be hiding the loss of their mother, or the constant fear of the spectral entity the Marrowbone family are plagued by. The movie is not without it’s jumps and startling revelations either, with a few scenes that leave you on the edge of your seat! Couple that with some unsettling imagery and it’s fair to say that while ‘The Secret of Marrowbone’ might not be the most frightening film ever, it is an eerie and unsettling watch!


I really enjoyed ‘The Secret of Marrowbone’. Be warned, it is a slow burn horror film, so while that is something I greatly enjoy (when done well, such as in this case) I am aware it is not for everyone. The performances of Mia Goth and Anya Taylor-Joy were stand outs, with great performances all round for the most part, the slight inconsistencies in the direction and some of the one dimensional writing issues are easily over shadowed by what is overall an intense and creepy yet enjoyable watch!

I’m going to give ‘The Secret of Marrowbone’ 78%!

Have you seen ‘The Secret of Marrowbone’? If so what did you think about it? Let me know in the comments and lets talk about it! If you have read this whole review before ever looking in to anything about this movie then you can check out the trailer below!
Stay creepy and thanks for reading!